OK. Soo, one of my back burner projects (I'm only doing telecoms on the 
front burners, I'm not a programmer though I started programming in 1987) 
is to refactor a project using 8-bit RF-capable Arduinos in an IoT network. 
I'm still not sure leo is the right tool for that, but it could be, as 
there are several arguments for using leo : 
- the most important thing to me is documentation. /* */ and // are not 
- there are about 20-30 files in the library, and 5-10 "sketches", 
potentially more to come
- I'd  like to have some more powerful motes as well, maybe using 
micropython (on ESP32?), maybe using Raspberry PI, all pretty much 
undecided at the moment
- I'd like to "clean" the RF library that has IMHO too many files and not 
- The original maintainer stopped activity and support, so I'm kindof on my 
- I need to maintain the apps, it keeps me warm at night (literally, it 
manages my heating and solar systems)
But, although maybe it's just me, there is a big BUT : the code is in C++, 
to be compiled by the Arduino IDE and downloaded on the motes thru 
USB/Serial. And I'm willling to learn, and also potentially use leo for 
4-10 other projects, but I still am in the early discovery phase, not even 
knowing of the "clones" share any concept with functions.

Any recommandations from the leo core-team ?

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