Screenshot has been added.

On Monday, May 9, 2022 at 2:10:21 PM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:

> On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 12:48 PM <> 
> wrote:
> Edward asked me to announce this here, even though the program is not 
>> Leo-related aside from being managed in Leo.  He also encouraged me to make 
>> the project publicly available on Github. 
> Thanks, Thomas, for sharing this great software with us.  I encourage all 
> Leonistas to investigate GF4. Thomas described GF4 this way in a private 
> email:
> "I've been thinking about your talking about moving beyond Leo, and what a 
> magnificent achievement it is. And how you've been plugging away on it for 
> some 25 years.  It puts me in mind of my own flagship program - well, 
> flagship except that I'm the only one who knows about it."
> The URL to the Github repo  is at The GF4 Project 
>> <>.
> Please add a screenshot to the file. That way people can get an 
> initial picture of what the calculator is.
> Edward
> P.S. If you too are hiding your life's work, please, for goodness sake, 
> hide it no longer! Have the courage to put it forward! If that seems too 
> risky, try John McFee's trick. Write as if writing to your mother, and then 
> send the description to someone sympathetic. I'll volunteer :-)

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