" Thomas seems to think that *not* saving settings files is less 
surprising, but I have some doubts."  No,  I think that settings files 
*should* be saved.  Not other files, though.  I suppose the risk is that 
you changed a setting in some other file and forgot to save it.  Then the 
new local setting won't take effect after reloading settings, which would 
be a surprise.

But wait, I've been assuming that settings could be reloaded from in-memory 
outlines. But that's not the case, is it?  They only get re-read as the 
outline gets opened.  In that case, I should cancel what I said: all files 
except an unnamed one should get saved first after all.   Or the local 
outline settings should get re-read from the outline as it is in memory, 
but that's probably too big a change.

On Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 2:53:42 PM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 12:51 PM jkn <jkn...@nicorp.f9.co.uk> wrote:
>> "reload settings" from where? From "settings file(s) from disk", or from 
>> "settings file(s) on disk, perhaps overridden by any held in memory"?
> From disk, except for per-installation and per-machine settings as 
> described here <http://leoeditor.com/customizing.html#using-settings>.  
> The per-installation and per-machine settings aren't going to change, and 
> in any event they are last-ditch defaults.
>> I would think the former.
> Yes. The point of reload-settings is to recompute all settings as 
> necessary. There is no concept of (settings held in memory).
>> Perhaps saving files is a safety measure; I can see the command changing 
>> things underneath you in a way that might be ... surprising
> Big sigh. What, exactly, is the least surprising option? Thomas seems to 
> think that *not* saving settings files is less surprising, but I have 
> some doubts.
> I agree that reload-settings should (at most) save only myLeoSettings.leo, 
> leoSettings.leo and the presently-selected (active) .leo file.
> I'm starting to think the simplest thing that could possibly work would be 
> to have reload-settings save *no* files. That gives the user the most 
> "control". But dash it all, one could plausibly argue that it would be less 
> surprising to "honor" the settings in all open files.
> Imo, this is mostly a tempest in a teapot. I don't care much either way.
> Edward

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