Here's an improved version that can detect more common languages -

STYLE = ('LeoQTextBrowser {'
                'font-family: Corbel, "Opens Sans","Sans-serif";'
                'font-size: 12pt;}')
NOSTYLE = 'LeoQTextBrowser {}'
DIRECT = ('@language rest', '@language md', '@language asciidoc',
          '@language text', '@language plain',
          '@rest', '@md', '@rst', '@adoc',
          ':id:', ':ref:')

def has_direct(s, h):
    lines = s[:1000].splitlines()
    for line in lines:
        for d in DIRECT:
            if h.startswith(d) or line.startswith(d):
                return True
    return False

def set_alt_body_font(tag, keys):
    c = keys['c']
    css = NOSTYLE
    for p in c.p.self_and_parents():
        if has_direct(p.b, p.h):
            css = STYLE

    editor = c.frame.body.wrapper.widget

ud = g.user_dict
ud['alt_body_font_proc'] = set_alt_body_font

g.registerHandler('select3', ud['alt_body_font_proc'])

On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 6:00:48 PM UTC-5 Thomas Passin wrote:
Here is a script so you can see if you like the effect of having a 
non-monospaced font for non-code bodies.  It only works for @language rest 
nodes. Copy the script below into a node in your workbook.  Run it with 
CTRL-B.  After that, any time you switch to an *@language rest* node, it 
will use the alternate font.  It hooks *select3* so it won't detect if you 
change the *@language* directive until you switch nodes again.

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