No, Leo nodes cannot display images per se.  What you can do is to use 
markdown or ReStructuredText and use their syntax to show images.  The 
image file would need to be in a location in the files system like any 
other image file.  You can view the rendered node with its images, math 
symbols, etc., using the viewrendered3 plugin.

The extra typing to do this is very minimal if you don't want to use other 
features of these structured languages.

Another thing you could do is to insert the image file's path as a *file:* 
URL, like this example:


You can also use relative paths.   When you CNTL-Click on the URL it will 
open in the image viewer selected by your OS.

On this Leo group we have recently started a discussion on how to embed 
images in Leo nodes directly.  In principle it can be done but there are 
some key details that need to be figured out first.

I can imagine writing a Leo script that would automate the mechanics of 
inserting an image directive into an ReST or MD page.   I don't think it 
would be hard, but as of now a script like that does not exist.

If you would like help to try out any of the suggestions above, please feel 
free to ask here.  Personally, I would use ReST or MD, and view the images 
with the VR3 plugin.  That's pretty much what I do most of the time.
On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 11:58:18 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> Hey.
> I'm looking to find out if Leo would be suited to my note-taking workflow.
> Is it possible to paste an image from clipboard? I tried it, doesn't seem 
> to work. I get the impression images can be displayed in general, but I 
> spend around 3h a day pasting images into notes, so this is crucial to me.
> I get the impression this is impossible. Am I correct?
> Best regards.

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