Hi all,

I have an outline with some @button nodes that fire off external shell
commands using g.execute_shell_commands.  I tend to run Leo *without* a
console window open, so anything those @button-triggered shell commands
print to the console is lost to me.  Is there an easy way/straightforward
way to redirect to the stdout/stderr for those commands only to the log
pane?  I'm struggling to figure it out by manipulating sys.stdout and
sys.stderr, though I admit this is far from my area of specialty.

An example of a button:

@language python
@tabwidth -2

''' Executes the currently selected sketch with the 'vsk run' command.

import os.path

fn = c.getNodeFileName(p)
if len(fn) == 0:
  # non-external file selected
  g.es('Not a valid sketch node.', color='red')

  sketch_path = os.path.dirname(fn)
  g.execute_shell_commands(f'&vsk run {sketch_path}')

That command is long-running (i.e. it stays open in another pane, thus the
'&' to unblock the Leo GUI).  Sometimes it indicates errors on the console
output, which just plain doesn't exist when I'm running Leo without a
console window open.

Ideally any solution would be cross-platform, since I do this on both
Windows and Linux... but really I'd be happy with platform-specific
solutions too.  I'd really rather not have to have a console window open to
see these errors if at all possible.

Thanks in advance for any ideas and suggestions,

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