On Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 11:36:41 AM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:

On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 9:28 AM jkn wrote:

> So, "once you have learned about gnx's, Cut- and paste- nodes is lost to 

Not at all. Only Leo's *devs *need to take care.

To repeat: a Leo dev is someone who changes Leo's codebase.

Anyone who uses a UNL to point to a node can get bit by this, not only Leo 
codebase devs. 

Consider this scenario:  A user clones node N at position P1 and moves the 
clone to position P2.  This node and its clone have gnx1. Then he deletes 
P1.  The node at (what used to be) P2 now has gnx1.

OTOH, if the user cuts node N at Position P1 and then pastes it into 
position P2, then the node at P2 will have a different gnx, say gnx2. gnx2 
!= gnx1.

Any normal person would think that these operations will end up with the 
same result.  I don't see any reason why there should be non-intuitive 
behavior in this scenario.  Of course it only matters if those gnxs get 
used for something.  The most likely way they would get used by a normal 
user - or even a non-Leo-codebase script developer - would be for new-style 

I have this problem - that I have to remember to paste as a clone - with my 
zettel-kasten system and its adaptation to family history/geneological 
data.  That's because I use gnxs to crosslink everything.  At least I knew 
this (use clone rather than plain paste) would be a problem almost from the 
beginning but it's taken discipline on my part to avoid wrecking the data 
structures.  I almost created my own ID system but gnxs were easier to use 
and persist, so I went with them.

I propose that whether a node gets cut or copied, that:

1. If it gets pasted into the same outline, then it should keep the 
original gnx *unless* that gnx already exists in the outline.  Then the 
pasted copy should get a new gnx;
2. If a node is copied and pasted into a different outline, then again it 
should keep its gnx unless a node with that gnx already exists;
3. Paste-as-clone should always keep the original gnx.

This would make the behavior as intuitive as possible.

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