I don't know about a "gentle" introduction, but VR3 has an extensive 
docstring you can read by means of the Plugins menu.

I use Sphinx a lot, and normally I don't even create a Sphinx configuration 
file.  I find I can do enough configuration for my needs with command-line 
parameters, which I supply with a little script that I can attach to a 
button.  The script would be specialized for a particular outline so the 
button won't show up for all outlines.

Here is one of the scripts I use.  It seems more complicated than it is, 
but it lets you start from any node in the outline so you don't have to 
remember to navigate to the top of the @rst tree.

@language python
from sys import executable
import subprocess
import os

target = None
HEAD = "GF4 User's Guide"
p0 = c.p
for p in c.all_unique_positions():
    if p.h.startswith(HEAD):
        target = p
if target:

    # Thw rst3 command writes to correct (@path sphinx) directory
    # but Sphinx will look in current directory, which may
    # not be the same.  So -
    # if we start from a selected node outside the
    # @path sphinx tree, temporarily cd to the docs directory.
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    if not cwd.endswith('sphinx'):
        temp_cwd = os.path.join(cwd, 'sphinx')

    # Other likely themes: 
    #'-D', 'html_theme=sphinx_book_theme',
    #'-D', 'html_theme=bizstyle',

    cmd = [executable, '-m', 'sphinx', '-C',
            '-b', 'html',
            '-D', "master_doc=GF4_Users_Guide",
            '-D', 'source_suffix=.rst',
            '-D', 'html_theme=pyramid',
            '-D', 'project=GF4',
            '-D', 'extensions=sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel',
            '-D', 'copyright=Thomas B. Passin 2022',
            '-D', "html_theme_options.sidebarwidth=20em",

            # sourcedir, outputdir:
            r'.', r'..\docs']

    g.es('Cannot find the @rst tree to process', color = 'red')

The key here is providing Sphinx's command line arguments.  That happens in 
the block that starts

cmd = [executable, '-m', 'sphinx', '-C',

There are command line parameters for many of the things that would be in a 
config file.  The trickiest part is getting the source and build 
directories right.  They will be relative to the outline's directory if you 
use relative paths.

For this Sphinx document, the entire rst document is a child of a node name 
sphinx. This points to a subdirectory *sphinx* just below the outline's 
directory. The directory structure looks like this:


On Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 2:37:33 PM UTC-5 Geoff Evans wrote:

Obvious question: if I use both Anaconda *and* MacOS (Ventura), which part 
of the Installation instructions supersedes the other?  Is Homebrew 
I've still not succeeded with pyqt6.

Unrelated question:
The traffic on this site is, quite understandably, dominated by the latest 
exciting innovations.  So that I'm not sure where to find beginnings any 
Where do I go to find a gentle introduction to, say, ViewRendered or LeoJS: 
the bit that tells me what might be the payoff if I jump into the details 
of them?
[Though I probably won't jump in: a nice editor-outliner with clones and a 
literate approach will let me organize my science nicely, alongside jupyter 
notebooks that do the details.
Maybe the main thing I need to learn, for sharing with colleagues, is 

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