On Fri, Aug 25, 2000 at 05:23:30PM +0200, Jens-Peter Konrath wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using lesstif now for quite a while as my favourite window manager 
> and for GUI programming and just wanted to thank everybody for such a 
> great work they've done!
> But there's just one littel problem I've had with every lesstif version I tried: 
> after a while I can't change focus to another window. I'm stuck with the 
> last highlited one. The only solution is to restart X, but after a while, 
> it happens again.
> Sorry if this was asked before, but I couldn't find anything about it on 
> the list or in the FAQ.
>                         Jens

You refer to 'mwm', the supplied mwm clone.
Hmm, it is known to be a not 'perfect' piece of code, it
also gets substantially less attention than the libs.
After reading your mail I also started playing with it
and ran into a crash, which I couldn't resolved so far :-\

If there are really people interested in this WM they should tell
now and/or also help to debug it ...

Alexander Mai

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