> First off, thanks to Alexander for his suggestion. Following his advice,             
> I am posting a patch for vanilla SciPlot-1.36 that adds double buffer                
> and very basic UIL support. Please take the patch with a grain of                    
> salt because I have very little experience in Motif programming. Hope it             
> can be improved enough to make it into Xlt :)                                        
> Regards,                                                                             
> Andrei Romanenko                                                                     
> Departamento de Engenharia Química                                                   
> Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia                                                   
> Universidade de Coimbra                                                              
> Pinhal de Marrocos                                                                   
> Pólo II                                                                              
> 3030 Coimbra                                                                         
> phone: +351-239-798776                                                               
> fax:   +351-239-798703                                                               

Well, I tried to apply the patch and had to do some
manual work on it but then it did build.
A few minutes ago I already added the 'realtime' example to the
Xlt/tests/SciPlot tree.

I'll have to check how to handle the .uil stuff, I guess I first commit
the changes to the source itself.

Anyone interested in should try out the 'realtime' example -
it's a nice demonstration of the new feature!!

Alexander Mai

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