We have a bug report WRT clipboard at SF and when I used it from
NEdit on my alphas subsequently even real Motif clients crash 
due to  that messon that display  ...

Now I ran across those comments:

 * management structure for the clipboard itself.  This actually appears as a
 * property on the root window of your display, if you've been fooling around
 * with the clipboard in M*tif.  Use xprop to view the contents of this
 * property; halting clients at various points when manipulating the clipboard
 * is "interesting".
 * NOTE: This needs to be made machine independent. (INT32 instead of int, etc).
typedef struct _XmClipboard {
    int                 prop_id;
    int                 cpad1;
    int                 static_item_count;
    int                 clip_size;
    int                 current_item;
    int                 last_item;
    int                 next_delete;
    int                 current_item2;
    int                 by_name_id;
    int                 item_count;
    Time                copy_lock_time;
    Time                retrieve_lock_time;
    int                 offset;
    Window              clipboard_selection_owner;
    int                 retrieve_locked;
    int                 copy_locked;
} XmClipboard;

My X headers seem to indicate the the X types are already correct,
but all the int and longs (below in that CutPasteI.h) need to be replaced _now_?
(one may still have luck with some ints being 32bit on some systems, of course :-)

Alexander Mai

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