Package         LFS      Upstream  Flag

acl             2.2.53     -2         *
attr            2.4.48     -2         *
autoconf        2.69       2.69       
automake        1.16.1     1.16.1     
bash            4.4.18     4.4.18     
bc              1.07.1     1.07.1     
binutils        2.30       2.30       
bison           3.0.5      3.0.5      
bzip2           1.0.6      1.0.6      
check           0.12.0     0.12.0     
coreutils       8.29       8.30       *
dbus            1.12.8     1.12.8     
dejagnu         1.6.1      1.6.1      
diffutils       3.6        3.6        
eudev           3.2.5      3.2.5      
e2fsprogs       1.44.2     1.44.2     
elfutils        0.172      0.173      *
expat           2.2.5      2.2.5      
expect          5.45.4     5.45.4     
file            5.33       5.33       
findutils       4.6.0      4.6.0      
flex            2.6.4      2.6.4      
gawk            4.2.1      4.2.1      
gcc             8.1.0      8.1.0      
gdbm            1.15       1.16       *
glibc           2.27       2.27       
gmp             6.1.2      6.1.2      
gperf           3.1        3.1        
grep            3.1        3.1        
groff           1.22.3     1.22.3     
grub            2.02       2.02       
gzip            1.9        1.9        
iana-etc        2.30       2.30       
inetutils       1.9.4      1.9.4      
intltool        0.51.0     0.51.0     
iproute2        4.17.0     4.17.0     
kbd             2.0.4      2.0.4      
kmod            25         25         
less            530        530        
lfs-bootscripts 20170626   20170626   
libcap          2.25       2.25       
libffi          3.2.1      3.2.1      
libpipeline     1.5.0      1.5.0      
libtool         2.4.6      2.4.6      
linux           4.17.2     4.17.4     *
m4              1.4.18     1.4.18     
make            4.2.1      4.2.1      
man-db          2.8.3      2.8.3      
man-pages       4.16       4.16       
meson           0.46.1     0.47.0     *
mpc             1.1.0      1.1.0      
mpfr            4.0.1      4.0.1      
ninja           1.8.2      1.8.2      
ncurses         6.1        6.1        
openssl         1.1.0h     1.1.0h     
patch           2.7.6      2.7.6      
perl            5.28.0     5.28.0     
pkg-config      0.29.2     0.29.2     
procps-ng       3.3.15     3.3.15     
psmisc          23.1       23.1       
Python          3.6.5      3.6.5      
readline        7.0        7.0        
sed             4.5        4.5        
shadow          4.6        4.6        
sysklogd        1.5.1      1.5.1      
systemd         238        239        *
sysvinit        2.90       2.90       
tar             1.30       1.30       
tcl             8.6.8      8.6.8      
texinfo         6.5        6.5        
tzdata          2018e      2018e      
udev-lfs        20171102   20171102   
util-linux      2.32       2.32       
vim             8.1        8.1        
XML-Parser      2.44       2.44       
xz              5.2.4      5.2.4      
zlib            1.2.11     1.2.11     

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