On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 12:38:12AM +0100, Quantum via lfs-book wrote:
> I can't pass that step  5.5. GCC-8.2.0 - Pass 1 in lfs 8.3 book.There are 2 
> errors in make step.
> I have attached the config file.I am using kali.

Wrong list - this is primarily for commits that the editors make
when developing the next version of the book.  Please subscribe to
lfs-support and ask there if what I write below doesn't solve your

But some further comments to help you:

1. Configure succeeded.  As with any other run of a configure
script, some of its tests (to see if things exist) pass, others
fail.  That is absolutely normal, posting this output is not useful.

In rare cases you might be asked to post specific parts.

2. You did not tell us what the errors said.  If my next suggestion
does not help, please report the errors when you post to -support.

3. But first, please read Host System Requirements in chapter two,
particularly the text in the Important box, and follow its
instructions by running the script and checking that the output is
correct.  In particular, make sure that you check the results
carefully: in the past, a few people have posted their results after
being asked, and failed to notice that some packages or symlinks are
incorrect for building LFS (e.g. /bin/sh -> dash, awk -> mawk, but
there have been other errors too).

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