
Pasha Zubkov found that the font isn't being correctly set on framebuffer consoles. This bug also affects LFS-6.1-testing.

I have attached fixed console scripts for LFS-6.1 and 7.0 (the difference is that in the 6.1 script all UTF-8-related stuff is omitted).

Now these scripts work for both text-mode and framebuffer consoles.

The -I '\033(K' agetty switch can be dropped from /etc/inittab in LFS-6.1 with this version of the console script.

Alexander E. Patrakov
# Begin $rc_base/init.d/console
# Description : Sets keymap and screen font
# Authors     : Gerard Beekmans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#               Alexander E. Patrakov
# Version     : 00.03
# Notes       :

. /etc/sysconfig/rc
. ${rc_functions}

# Native English speakers probably don't have /etc/sysconfig/console at all
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/console ]
        . /etc/sysconfig/console

is_true() {
        [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "yes" ] || [ "$1" = "true" ]

trap failed=1 ERR

case "${1}" in
                boot_mesg "Setting up Linux console..."
                # There should be no bogus failures below this line!
                # Figure out if a framebuffer console is used
                [ -d /sys/class/graphics/fb0 ] && USE_FB=1 || USE_FB=0
                MODE_COMMAND="echo -en '[EMAIL PROTECTED](K' && kbd_mode -a"
                # On framebuffer consoles, font has to be set for each vt
                ! is_true "${USE_FB}" || [ -z "${FONT}" ] ||
                        MODE_COMMAND="${MODE_COMMAND} && setfont ${FONT}"

                # Apply that command to all consoles mentioned in
                # /etc/inittab.
                for TTY in `grep '^[^#].*respawn:/sbin/agetty' /etc/inittab |
                        grep -o '\btty[[:digit:]]*\b'`
                        openvt -f -w -c ${TTY#tty} -- \
                                /bin/sh -c "${MODE_COMMAND}"

                # Set the font and the keymap
                is_true "${USE_FB}" ||  [ -z "${FONT}" ] || setfont $FONT
                [ -z "${KEYMAP}" ] || loadkeys ${KEYMAP} &>/dev/null
                [ -z "${KEYMAP_CORRECTIONS}" ] ||
                        loadkeys ${KEYMAP_CORRECTIONS} &>/dev/null

                # If any of the commands above failed, the trap at the
                # top would set $failed to 1
                ( exit $failed )
                echo $"Usage:" "${0} {start}"
                exit 1

# End $rc_base/init.d/console
# Begin $rc_base/init.d/console
# Description : Sets keymap and screen font
# Authors     : Gerard Beekmans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#               Alexander E. Patrakov
# Version     : 00.03
# Notes       :

. /etc/sysconfig/rc
. ${rc_functions}

# Native English speakers probably don't have /etc/sysconfig/console at all
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/console ]
        . /etc/sysconfig/console

is_true() {
        [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "yes" ] || [ "$1" = "true" ]

trap failed=1 ERR

case "${1}" in
                boot_mesg "Setting up Linux console..."
                # There should be no bogus failures below this line!
                # Figure out if a framebuffer console is used
                [ -d /sys/class/graphics/fb0 ] && USE_FB=1 || USE_FB=0
                # Figure out the command to set the console into the
                # desired mode
                is_true "${UNICODE}" &&
                        MODE_COMMAND="echo -en '\033%G' && kbd_mode -u" ||
                        MODE_COMMAND="echo -en '[EMAIL PROTECTED](K' && 
kbd_mode -a"
                # On framebuffer consoles, font has to be set for each vt
                ! is_true "${USE_FB}" || [ -z "${FONT}" ] ||
                        MODE_COMMAND="${MODE_COMMAND} && setfont ${FONT}"

                # Apply that command to all consoles mentioned in
                # /etc/inittab. Important: in the UTF-8 mode this should
                # happen before setfont, otherwise a kernel bug will
                # show up and the unicode map of the font will not be
                # used.
                # FIXME: Fedora Core also initializes two spare consoles
                # - do we want that?
                for TTY in `grep '^[^#].*respawn:/sbin/agetty' /etc/inittab |
                        grep -o '\btty[[:digit:]]*\b'`
                        openvt -f -w -c ${TTY#tty} -- \
                                /bin/sh -c "${MODE_COMMAND}"

                # Set the font and the keymap
                is_true "${USE_FB}" ||  [ -z "${FONT}" ] || setfont $FONT
                [ -z "${KEYMAP}" ] || loadkeys ${KEYMAP} &>/dev/null
                [ -z "${KEYMAP_CORRECTIONS}" ] ||
                        loadkeys ${KEYMAP_CORRECTIONS} &>/dev/null

                # Linux kernel generates wrong bytes when composing
                # in Unicode mode. That's why we disable dead keys in Unicode
                # mode by default. If you need them, download
                # Unpack and patch the kernel with p1_conv_8bit_to_uni.patch
                # Other patches in that tarball give rejects.
                # After patching, add "-m charset_of_your_keymap" to the FONT
                # variable and set BROKEN_COMPOSE=false
                # in /etc/sysconfig/console

                [ -n "$BROKEN_COMPOSE" ] || BROKEN_COMPOSE="$UNICODE"
                ! is_true "$BROKEN_COMPOSE" ||
                        echo "" | loadkeys -c &>/dev/null
                # Convert the keymap from $LEGACY_CHARSET to UTF-8
                [ -z "$LEGACY_CHARSET" ] ||
                        dumpkeys -c "$LEGACY_CHARSET" | loadkeys -u &>/dev/null

                # If any of the commands above failed, the trap at the
                # top would set $failed to 1
                ( exit $failed )
                echo $"Usage:" "${0} {start}"
                exit 1

# End $rc_base/init.d/console
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