Tushar Teredesai wrote:

> This is a very valid point IMO.

No, it is completely invalid. See below.

> Since the cross-LFS will most probably
> have the official LFS blessing,

Have you even looked at it? Let alone tried it? It has a long way to go.

> I would like it to have proper
> attribution. If the work is really "borrowed" from Greg (which seems
> unlikely from Jim's post),

Tush, you have just clearly demonstrated you have no idea at all what
you're talking about on this topic. Why are you fanning flames like this?
You should know better. Could the LFS leadership please step in here right
now and put an end to this behavior?

Guys, out of respect, I refuse to spam this list with off topic drivel,
therefore I'm only gonna say this only once.

Unless you have the required level of experience and expertise in cross
compilation, you do not have a leg to stand on at all in this thread and
should NOT be passing comment. You are uninformed. Please, do the
research, do the testing, share your experiences, share your work. By all
means participate in cross compile development and testing, but DO NOT
make useless non-technical posts. It simply adds noise.

Now, can we get back to some technical development discussions, please?


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