On 11/1/05, Dan Nicholson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/31/05, Bruce Dubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In any case, it might be useful for KDE or possibly Gnome where there
> > are related packages, but its usefulness seems to be a bit limited for
> > LFS in general.
> I think this would be an extremely useful addition.  It teaches the
> user about config.site, and the book already sets other variables at
> the start of the GNOME and KDE chapters.  I would even say that it
> should be added to the Bash startup files section with a short intro.
> The variable (CONFIG_SITE=/etc/config.site) could be set, and nothing
> will happen if the file doesn't exist.  Then an example could be given
> of what is contained in the script.  A major time saver in BLFS (and
> LFS).

Whoops.  Forgot to add this.  Here's the online manual page about
config.site.  The same can be found in info autoconf (I think).

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