Tushar Teredesai wrote:

I found too many (for my comfort) false positives and false negatives
with this method.


It will work for Ch 6 only as long as we are installing it inside
chroot. But I meant more in terms of using it for package management.
The above technique gave me the following problems:
1. When reinstalling glibc, it would not log some header files (I
think stubs.h). Ditto for some man pages from other packages.

This means that they were not re-installed...else the timestamp on the file would have been updated.

2. For packages that modify a system wide config file (such as
/etc/xml/catalog), the system wide config file would get logged in
multiple packages.

This is why I mentioned greping through the existing logs the other day for the same files....this way you can identify updated files.

3. In case a package overwrote a file from another package, it would
log it in multiple places.

Again, same thing, but I had an idea to replace /bin/install with a shell script that does '/bin/install.bin --backup=numbered $@'. I haven't tried this yet, but I believe it'd be a fairly clean solution IMO, and negate the need for checking for backup files as the original timestamp would be kept on the backup file (which would roughly match the time of the install-log). Actually, even better just hit me. Do check for backups (from your file list in the newly created log), and just add the largest numbered backup file to the log if found. No need for a long grep loop (vs. a long test loop for xargs I'd guess).

-- DJ Lucas
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