Randy McMurchy wrote these words on 01/07/06 08:17 CST:

> The new database package in the LFS SVN book is referenced as the
> "DB" package. This is incorrect and should be fixed.

Thanks, Ken, for updating the BDB package. However, there are still
some references of "DB": the title in section 6.27.1, the first
sentence of that same section, and the title in section 6.27.2.

Additionally, the following items:

1) disk space used should be 94 MB used.

2) 1.2 is more accurate for the SBU measure.

3) it says "fix the permissions" in the text for the chown commands.
   However, it might be better as "fix the ownerships".

4) could you somehow place a note in an appropriate place that there
   are BLFS instructions to build BDB as well? Folks might not realize
   that they need to install other dependencies if they want to build
   the RPC server or additional language bindings that they may be
   used to. There will be no more references in BLFS of BDB as a
   dependency, therefore, a note in LFS is the only way that they
   might remember to build the functionality they are used to.
   Here is an example of such a note:

There are instructions to build this package in the BLFS book if you
need to build the RPC server or additional language bindings. The
additional language bindings will require additional packages to be
installed. The BLFS instructions are located at [place URL here].


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