Richard A Downing wrote these words on 01/07/06 13:26 CST:
> I noticed that this switch is in the LFS book for BerkyDB, I haven't
> built that for some time (when something says it needs a DB that I'm
> testing).
> Does Man-DB need this?  I'm amazed if it does - the rationale for
> using it is that it's maintained and modern and handles all sorts of
> UTF-8 stuff. And we are only putting BDB in for Man-DB.

<Not arguing against Richard's case, just making my opinion known>

I think the --compat-1.85 should stay. BDB is updated so often and
so many packages need to look for specific versions (BDB-3, BDB-4.1,
BDB-4.2, BDB-4.3 and now BDB-4.4), but then many will fall back to
the plain old BDB ( and not with the 1.85
compatibility and it works.

What is the harm in retaining it?

</not arguing>


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