On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 10:14:58AM -0500, Joe Ciccone wrote:
> Archaic wrote:
> > But any and all post-LFS package building is irrelevant in this context.
> Not really, as bruce said he builds openssl/openssh in the chroot, I do
> also along with a whole system sometimes.

The key words were *in this context*. Since LFS has a requirement for
device nodes, all post-LFS software is superceded by the LFS
requirement, ergo arguing for the need by using openssl is irrelevant.
It doesn't make the requirement *more* valid. The requirement *is* valid
because of grub.

<overly pedantic diatribe to thwart misreading my motives>

The only reason I am trying to make it clear that post-LFS software is
irrelevant for establishing the requirement is because it is conceivable
that the requirement established by grub can be worked around or will be
obsoleted at some point in the future. If it were not for grub, then I
would say forget device nodes regardless of how one chooses to build
post-LFS stuff. The book clearly expects a reboot to occur at the end
and anyone choosing to continue building in chroot is left to their own
imagination as to how best to accomplish that. And jsut for the record,
I currently build 29 packages in chroot before the 1st reboot and if for
some reason we no longer needed device nodes for LFS, then I would
rather re-do my scripts than force a non-essential requirement on the
book because the book is to be a solitary unit of work ending in a
reboot. That is not to say that it is developed in a vacuum completely
unaware of BLFS, mind you. Just that it is a complete book and must have
a definite ending.

</overly pedantic diatribe to thwart misreading my motives>


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