On Sat, Oct 06, 2012 at 03:51:25PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> >
> > If you use /dev/sd??, then I wish you the best of luck the next time the
> > kernel's disk discovery order changes. Because it's not guaranteed to
> > remain the same forever, and so when it changes, your system won't be
> > bootable. :-)
> I don't think so.  I don't use UUID or LABEL in fstab, but /dev/sd?? 
> would only change if I did somthing with fdisk like deleting a partition 
> and splitting two in it's place.  I suppose deleting an extended 
> partition could do it also.
> > I will also note that using /dev/disk/by-id/ links allowed me to survive
> > the IDE -> libata transition (/dev/hd* to /dev/sd*) with zero userspace
> > changes.
> I don't recall running into that problem.  ISTR that hdx mapped to sdx 
> without issue.
 For people with only one disk, it isn't a problem.  For everyone
else, "do you feel lucky?".  Been there, got the T-shirt.  Now, I
use e2label on that machine, with LABEL= in the fstab.

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