On 12/7/2019 9:51 PM, Bruce Dubbs via lfs-dev wrote:
On 12/7/19 9:11 PM, Joel Bion via lfs-dev wrote:
Hi -

This concerns adding static IPv6 support to Linux From Scratch.

I worked on this a bit a few years ago, but life got in the way, and I paused all work on this, but over the Thanksgiving break, I finished things up and and have things working. My LFS machine is now working fine being a 'partially' statically-configured device. "Partially" means the machine is still learning its MTU, Default Gateway, etc. via the IPv6 router it is attached to using IPv6-RA.

The caveats and limitations are as follows:

1) Technically, it would be possible to make a machine that ONLY speaks IPv6, but that doesn't interest me, so I didn't modify the scripts to support that possibility.

2) I didn't add (let alone test) the ability to learn your IPv6 address dynamically via IPv6 RA. I assume 'static' addressing is wanted.

3) If someone has done their package and application configuration work properly, (such as not using hard-coded addresses in configurations), then there should be very little configuration changes that would need to be made to make the vast majority of their programs and packages work with IPv6. I am not including any documentation on how to do this; that would be beyond LFS, and extend into BLFS.

4) It's simple: a statically configured address that works with the ifconfig.eth0 file, and with ifup and ifdown. It doesn't do anything fancy - but it DOES allow for the configuration of the address and "prefix" length, with auto-learning of other parameters, such as default gateway.

5) I don't believe in teaching people what IPv6 is. If they are going to use it, there's plenty available on the web to teach them.

I've modified a number of files to make this work:

/etc/resolv.conf - Shows example of using a Google IPv6 DNS resolver.

/etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0 - Shows example of configuring both IPv4 & IPv6

/sbin/ifup & /sbin/ifdown - Obvious changes

/lib/services/ipv46-static - An extended form of ipv4-static, which adds in support for IPv6

/etc/hosts - Added in IPv6 addresses

Here is a brief description of how, with these changed files, things work:


1) created /lib/services/ipv46-static
2) edited /sbin/ifup to handle v6 gateway
3) edited /sbin/ifdown to fix a minor bug

Enabling IPv6:

1) edit /etc/sysctl.conf to enable ipv6, and also make it so an address isn't learned with router discovery, making the one statically configured be the only one learned:


2) edit /etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0 to use ipv46-static as the file.

3) remove "#" prefix from IP6 and PREFIX6 lines in /etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0 and set them appropriately.

4) For compatibility with some software (I've forgotten which!), also specify NETWORKING_IPV6=yes in /etc/sysconfig/network.

5) Reboot. If upon reboot, you don't get proper IPv6 connectivity, you may need to uncomment and set the GATEWAY6 value. If you do that, reboot again.

6) Optional: Put IPv6 DNS server addresses in /etc/resolv.conf

Disabling IPv6:

1) edit /etc/sysctl.conf to disable ipv6 (turn on disabling, really). For good measure, I also restore 'autoconf' to its default.


2) edit /etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0 to use ipv4-static

3) add "#" prefix to the start of the IP6 and PREFIX6 lines in /etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0

4) For compatibility with some software (I've forgotten which!), also specify NETWORKING_IPV6=no in /etc/sysconfig/network.

5) If they exist, disable IPv6 DNS server addresses in /etc/resolv.conf

6) Remove any other IPv6-specific configuration you have for various packages and applications (these should be VERY few in number!)

7) Reboot.

Monitoring IPv6:

1) Regular 'ipaddr' commands do not work. Use 'ip'. Examples:

     ip address:  returns list of interface addresses
     ip route:    returns IPv4 routing table
     ip -6 route: returns IPv6 routing table

2) Sometimes firewalls from our ISP can be set with IPv6 filtering. Since I use shorewall6, I disable the ISP firewall altogether.

MY BIG QUESTION IS: What is the easiest way to add this back into LFS? Provide the changes and required edits to the pages to reference this? Pull down a copy via SVN and make changes? There are a few places that need editing to tell people about IPv6.

I do believe, it DOES make sense to have the 'stock' LFS show how IPv6 can be enabled in an LFS system, and further, that this ability be added as part of the 'core' setup (in LFS instead of BLFS, etc.)

This sounds interesting.  The best way to start is to write a hint that describes the process in detail.  From that, we can determine the best way to roll it into LFS.  It doesn't have to be a formal hint


but you can do that if you want.  The minimum I need is to have enough info to set things up and test.  Once that's done, inserting it into the book will be relatively easy.
Replying to both here, so addressing both issues with the implementation and how to add it to the book...

Step 1: Correct.

Step 2: While you can use a separate service for dual stack, it is my opinion that /lib/services/ipv46-static is not really appropriate, just handle the IPv6 configuration separately using an interface alias such as /etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0:0 and a separate /lib/services/ipv6-static service. In fact, the following should probably work for the service file:

sed -e 's@IPV4@IPV6@g' -e 'S@24@64@g' /lib/services/ipv4-static > /lib/services/ipv6-static

For static v6, however, you still need to address the route, and I'd suggest just adding a ROUTE_FLAGS variable to the configuration file with a value of "-6". Set the value to "-4" by default in /sbin/ifup and let it get overwritten if the config pulls in something different, then you just add ${ROUTE_FLAGS} between 'ip' and 'route' in the gateway setup code block in ifup. I can't see anything that needs to change in ifdown. Give me a hint?

Step 3: No file is installed in LFS. We create the file in the book, so just use the private range "fd00::2" for the interface IP and "fe00::ffff" for the gateway in the example configuration in the book, use 8 for the prefix length (fd - though 64 is most common for live connections from ISPs). Also, why do we prefer Google over OpenDNS or CloudFlare for public DNS servers?

Step 4: We do not use /etc/sysconfig/networking. This is for RedHat and is not necessary. If some software package really does need it, that package is broken. File a bug report with the maintainer. We can address it in the wiki if important (but I doubt it being that I haven't run across this issue in the past 8 years that I've had v6 internal off and on).

Step 5: Why? This works just fine despite vim's broken highlighting - I need to fix that too. Can copy the expressions from the bind syntax files and upstream.

Step 6: Again, this is not in LFS.

Step 7: /etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop && /etc/rc.d/init.d/network start would work on a live system, but is not necessary in LFS, you are going to reboot when done anyway.

Want to give the alias method a try and see if it works for you?

For me, it will take a bit of research into how to get ipv6 on to my network.  Right now I only have a single ipv4 address that is multiplexed into a 192.168 network via masquerading.  I'm pretty sure my ISP also offers ipv6, but I don't know if a range of addresses is offered or not.  Then I will have to get my dd-wrt based router set up properly.  Only after that can I test things out.

   -- Bruce
It's pretty easy to setup DD-WRT if you ISP has DHCPv6, however, on DD-WRT tutorial for v6, it says it does not have ip6tables which hasn't been true in a long time, just make sure you are up to date. You also need to allow ICMP to your internal hosts - this is not just ping and you aren't using NAT anymore, but actually routing again. :-) I have been using IPv6 internally for some time, though I don't have it in external DNS. I personally use stateless RA (so that I can assign an internal DNS server and suffix search list), but it shouldn't be a big deal to assign a static address to my LFS hosts for testing.


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