Recently I installed Debian 10.2 on a computer with both LFS and older
Debian versions.  The installer automatically produced a new grub.cfg
in which LFS is listed as "unknown Linux distribution."  To my great
surprise the listed kernel was changed to the new kernel that comes
with Debian 10.2.  This had never happened in the past.  I haven't
checked but I believe that grub-mkconfig is responsible for this.

The Debian kernel does not work with LFS because CONFIG_DEVTMPFS
(maintain a devtmpfs filesystem to mount at /dev) is not set.
There may be other issues.  LFS may boot, but you may not have enough
functionality to edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg .

I don't know whether there should be some words of caution in the Book
on installing other systems on the same computer after LFS.  This
issue is not directly related to building LFS so probably it has no
place in the Book.  On the other hand, many of us run multi-boot
systems which means many people are going to go through this.

To avoid the issue the obvious solution would be to use the custom
install option of the Debian installer and skip the Grub set-up phase.
However, it seems custom install is not as thoroughly tested as
default install.  I have encountered numerous problems with custom
install and have decided not to use it.

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