On all my LFS/BLFS builds, the nfs-server script seems to be a little buggy. There's always an 80 second delay when shutting down, and it always return [FAIL] even if the nfsd processes are actually killed.

I've tried a few solutions from the BLFS-dev list.

in the stop section, I changed 'killproc nfsd' to 'rpc.nfsd -- 0' which works. The problem the is that there's no message indicating success or failure. So i added 'evaluate_retval' after that command, but that always return success even if it's not e.g. processes not running it should return [WARN], and processes not stopped it should return [FAIL].

I'm trying to wrap it in some if() statements to see if I can get a nice solution to this, but if someone have already fixed it I would appreciate if you share it, and maybe update the script in SVN.


--Tor Olav
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