Thank you for your answer...

Ok, I understand, I must follow the book natively.
However I HAVE TO build a kernel with the stack protector option set
on, that is a "must".

So, when do you suggest me to apply the right patches on the right
packages during the entire process?
Should I apply propolice patches in Pass1 or in Pass2 ?

Thank you,

> if your doing make bootstrap I assume your doing gcc pass 1.
> If so - why have you applied the linkonce patch the no_fixedincludes
> patch the specs-2 patch ?
> I assume the ssp-3 patch is the stack protection patch, but the others
> should not have been applied.
> Pass1 you don't apply any patches, as the book says.
> Only apply patches where the book tells you to. If your not
> aware/confident of this procedure then you shouldn't really be playing
> with additional patches such as the stack protection patches, are you
> don't appear to be able to follow the book nativly, let alone customised.
> Matt
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