Thanks for the tip.  Late at night I must of missed the FAQ and for that matter the entire support page.  Reinstall to a different disro no problem.  I have a debian copy sitting around.  Guess this is what I get for being lazy and not wanting to reinstall the toy/learning machine. :-)

On 12/1/05, Andrew Benton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin Barnard wrote:
> OK I thought I'd try to run through the LFS install.  I'm using a
> basic Fedora Code 4 host minimal install with a few extra RPMs so I
> can build.
> Binutils pass 1 makes and installs but I get the following when I try
> to create a LIB_PATH version of ld.  The same basic error happens when
> I try to compile gcc as well
> Is there something I missed or something I need to do like maybe try
> an older distro to start from.

Bing. You hit the nail on the head there. As Richard said, Fedora Core 4 isn't a suitable distro to build the stable version of the book. It should work OK for the development version but that may not be suitable if it's your first attempt at LFS. I've had good results building from Ubuntu. I like Ubuntu because it's all on one CD. Like the LFS live CD in fact.
One important point. If you get an error building binutils, don't think it doesn't matter and try to build gcc. Fix the errors as they come up.
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Kevin Barnard

"Great Beauty, great strength, and great Riches,
are really and truly of no great Use;
a right Heart exceeds all." -- Benjamin Franklin
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