hi, I want to be a bit more specific (or anal!), I wanted to make it
global. Upon reviewing the /etc/bashrc, it contains:

  alias 'ls = ls --color=auto'

but it also contains:

  source /etc/profile.d/tinker-term.sh

which in turn contains:

  export TERM=xterm-color

If I type "export" it displays:

  TERM=linux #(as mentioned by Matt)

I created a .bashrc and put:

  export TERM=xterm-color

into it, when I startx ls gives no colour but mc is now blue which is
halfway there.
I then added:

  alias ls='ls --color=auto'

Now everything is in colour. Why does /etc/bashrc, in conjunction
with /etc/profile.d/tinker-term.sh, not do this for me?
I can't see the relationship between the worms and the spice!

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