Subhash Chandra wrote:

I have an advise for you even if the rest of them decide I'm crazy! As
you seem to be hell bent over LFS, get the livecd and use jhalfs or
nalfs. You don't need much config there and default works fine. Once
you get the system up and running, go for blfs and you'll get some
package compiling and building experiance. After that you can always
go back to building lfs.

I'm not going to mince words...this is the worst advice you can possibly offer an LFS newbie. ALFS is for experienced LFS builders who know what they're doing. If you are not able to build an LFS system yourself then you won't be able to do anything with the system that ALFS builds. Anyone who thinks that ALFS is a substitute for building a system yourself should just be using a precompiled Linux distro (which has been suggested to mrdaniel numerous times). Use that FIRST, then, after you get experience knowing how to use Linux, retry building LFS.

As an interesting aside, there are two stanford grads. Please do
support them and their little project. You see, their names are  Larry
Page & Sergey Brin, and the project is called google.

This IS a good suggestion.
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