I am fumbling through and have now got to chapter 7 but not without some 
bother with the instructions.
Early on you are told that you start by building the tools chain and 
should start from $LFS/tools.
Next - mkdir build file
next - cd build file  ok so far.
Then unpack source (to be built file) in build file. Still ok.
Next - possibly a preamble but more to the point ../configure 'the file 
being built' possibly with qualifiers.

This is not ok because ../configure needs to be ./configure.

Again the way that patches work for me is that you put the patch in the 
folder to be patched and then go for the patch instruction.
Ch 5.9.1Expect   - excuse the pun.

I am in $LFS/tools/expect(unpacked) and I have copied the patch into 
Next  patch -Np1 -i  ../expect...............

This is not ok because again   ../expect..... should be  ./expect.......

The same hiccup but a different flavour.

As I have gone through the book I have tried to think of an elegant 
solution which will ensure that future readers do not make the mistakes 
that I have.

The only solution I have thought of is to precede each chapter, the bit 
where the user starts typing, with a simple statement saying what 
folders should be where.

Perhaps  $LFS/tools then mkdir -v  build-folder
                Unpack in $LFS/tools/build-folder

It is a very good teacher that can place the words so that everybody 
receives the same message.
It is a genius who does it for dyslexics.

martin welsh
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