On Monday 25 February 2008 2:47:12 pm Hugo Grauls wrote:


> > JH
> Without the LiveCD I would never have been able to get LFS6.2 up and
> running. Biggest worry is to have the right basic tools at hand to build
> from scratch, i.e. the adequate releases of GCC, linker, header files
> etc ...
> Why not downsize the project just to fit that? Bootable CD with
> networking enabled, just include the right releases of the basic
> building blocks suiting the needs for building a basisc system and
> nothing else? Certainly no need to have a GUI included
> //Hugo

I might add the following:

When using the LiveCD it is very hard to trash the build, a reboot is all that 
was needed to fix the build system.

I used the LiveCD when I was groking/working on my scripted build system, and 
yes I trashed the build system more that I would like to admit ;)
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