Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 10:15:59AM -0600, Wehner y Asociados wrote:
>> Ken, I forgot to mention that I'm working with the Live CD; I don't have 
>> a host system.
>> I've been thinking that perhaps my best option is to start over again. 
>> (That's not discouraging; I consider it part of the learning 
>> experience.) I could:
>  I'm reluctant to recommend that, because 6.3 has been out for some
> little time, so I conclude that building on your machine is very
> slow.  That doesn't surprise me.  So, if you can preserve what you
> have, all well and good.
>> 1. Install Vector Linux 5.8 Standard, which is the distro that has best 
>> worked on my machine.
>> 2. Run zcat on /proc/config.gz to obtain a known-good config file.
>  You assume they build the kernel with the option to save the config
> in /proc/config.gz.  Maybe they do, maybe they don't.  The previous
> way was to save a config in a file somewhere.  A quick attempt to see
> what is available suggests they have been hacked, and only their
> forums are currently available.
>> 3. Copy the config file to a USB memory stick. [This, because the CD-ROM 
>> will be tied up with the Live CD. (My USB memory stick worked flawlessly 
>> with LFS 6.2.)]
>> 4. Uninstall Vector Linux and start the LFS project anew, perhaps with 
>> Ver. 6.3, this time. (I could go the host system route, but prefer the 
>> Live CD method.)
>  I think building from a host which has everything on the disk
> instead of the CD might be slightly less slow.  OTOH, old machines
> had tiny disks.
>> 5. When I reach the kernel compilation step, copy the config file from 
>> the USB stick to, for example, /usr/src/linux/ and compile by running 
>> “make oldconfig,” as I learned from you.
>> Is it possible to back up what I have done so far to a USB memory stick? 
>> (The CD-ROM is not only tied up with the Live CD, it is read-only, so 
>> the USB stick is my only storage option.) If this is possible, I might 
>> even be able to rescue my present 6.2 project.
>  Probably.  If the kernel understands the filesystem (vfat, I
> suppose) just mount it somewhere and tar up the filesystem to it -
> vfat lacks permissions and might have problems with similar-named
> files (longer than 8.3, but identical in the first 11 or whatever
> characters), but wrapped in a tarball it will only be the tarball
> name that can be damaged.  If the kernel doesn't, I suppose you
> could format the stick for e2fs.
>  Also consider what Wit suggested, if you are able.
> ĸen
Thank you Ken and Wit for your help and suggestions. You have offered 
several avenues for me to explore and learn from. I hope to have good 
news to relay some time soon.

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