On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 05:25:03PM -0600, mike cutie and maia wrote:
> hi i got this far and have getting the spechs file to export every time i
> enter this command i get gcc not found
> SPECS=`dirname $($LFS_TGT-gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)`/specs
 I'm trying to be charitable here because my own first attempt to
build LFS required a lot of help, but your posts make me question
whether you are ready for this.  We're hard-core linux users, we
usually know *why* we dislike the current distros, we're prepared to
follow the instructions, at least for the first time, and most
importantly we understand the importance of accuracy.

 If the message is "-gcc not found" (note the initial hyphen) then
you have failed to set LFS_TGT.  That would shed some light on your
original post (I didn't reply to that because I couldn't parse it).
If that is the case, throw away this build, go back to the beginning
of the book, and make sure you do *everything* it tells you.

 You might also (like me :) need to check that what you typed is what
you intended to type.

 If you really got just 'gcc: command not found' then you aren't
going to be able to compile *anything*.

 I commend the 'Prerequisites' (section vi of the Preface) to you.

das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce
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