On 07/17/2011 02:51 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> DJ Lucas wrote:

>> Actually, this check needs to be removed. It causes issues for the alsa
>> script and also setclock (if used to set hwclock when network goes down
>> in RL2).
> Wouldn't this be just as easy as creating symlinks S50setclock in rc0
> and rc6 in the LFS Makefile?  In the same way, creating S35alsa symlinks
> in the BLFS Makefile would save the asla settings.

No. Drop to RL1 with alsa volumes restored via udev for an example of 
why that block should be removed. It doesn't matter for 0 and 6 because 
the check is skipped. It's been a while, but IIRC, the same thing for a 
K??setclock link in RL2. This is proper IMO when using NTP, but not 
really useful in practice. I don't do this any longer, but with the 
gradual change to udev scripts handling start up items instead of boot 
scripts for specific hardware (this will likely happen whether we like 
it or not), it would probably be good to be prepared for it (not to 
mention the alsa breakage that is there now).

-- DJ Lucas

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