Hi all,
I'm very happy because I just finished to install LFS-6.8 easily
following the very precise Book, with only a problem resolved thanks to
the help by Andrew Benton.
My host was Ubuntu 11.4 with Pentium Dual Core.
All is OK, but when I've booted the first time using Grub, I found only
"Linux 2.6.37-lfs-6.8" and "its recovery mode". I tried to make
recognizable the presence of Windows 7, but I got no success.
When I control the structure of Grub directories and files, I see:

(1) /boot/grub/grub.cfg is present and in the usual directory;
(2) "grub.d" files are all in "/usr/etc/" instead of "/etc" (their usual
place in my other Linux distributions, but this probably is uninfluent);
(3) the problem is that I don't have any "/usr/etc/default/grub".

If I introduce in "/usr/etc/grub.d/40_custom" the data on Windows 7,
nothing changes: "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" finds always
only linux-lfs.
I created the "/usr/etc/default" dir, and the underlying "grub" file
into which I manually introduced the usual configuration, but nothing
What to do? Could you suggest where I mistook? What to do now: remove
(but how?) Grub and reinstall it?
Many thanks for the help you will give me.

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