On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 12:49:55PM +0000, Andrew Benton wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Dec 2011 03:04:10 +0000
> Ken Moffat <zarniwh...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> >  This is also why some of us have a bee in our bonnets about static
> > libraries - if it's only used within a package, no problem.  If it's
> > installed into /usr/lib as libfoo.a then you'd better have a means
> > of identifying what used it in case you need to fix a vulnerability.
> > For myself, my buildscripts have a function which moves static libs
> > in /usr/lib to libfoo.a.hidden (except for *some* toolchain libs -
> > I've never had time to sort out all those that *need* to be static :
> > basically, if there is a vulnerability in the toolchain, it's time
> > to build a new LFS system).
> For what it's worth, I've managed to reduce the number of static libs
> to 8, all from gcc, binutils or glibc:

 Fascinating and very useful stuff, Andy.  If I wasn't planning on
spending my computer time with the gnome-3 packages, I'd be playing
with this.  Unfortunately, it will have to wait until later -
probably much later.

 Actually, I can probably justify doing shared libcrmf on my next
firefox upgrades (9.0.0 on my other box blew out, probably from lack
of space - need bigger disks, but that means a new mobo, my via
chipsets don't do sata2  Something will have to go.).


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