>>Jason P Sage wrote:
>> System: Win7Home -> Oracle VirtualBox -> Slackware 13 (32bit) as My Host
>> The book seems to have skipped the ./configure, make and make install 
>> steps entirely for grub.


Right you are! Did that step. I suppose when I started having troubles I
started compiling it myself having forgot. Fortunately the compiling
switches appear non-consequential.

>> Grub Install returns: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find
>> a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).

>Did you redo the virtual mounts in
>before reentering chroot?
> -- Bruce

No - But I did this just before I got your speedy response! when I saw
dev was just empty mostly I started searching for "/dev" until I found
that little bit about populating dev like the system does at boot up!

You're SPOT ON! 

I'm still having other issues (still GRUB related) but I want to hammer
on it for at least a few hours before throwing up the white surrender
flag. Doesn't help the Virtual Machine has device names longer than a
MICROSOFT GUID.. but that's not a problem as far as I know. 

I just made some headway! I'm still not able to boot but I think I'm
close. Getting wrong device errors now - but I'll keep chiseling away at

Thank you Again!

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