On Thursday 19 January 2012 08:18:21 am Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 07:14:42AM -0500, Baho Utot wrote:
> > When I build on the host I get the same thing.  Only when I add
> > autoreconf before the ./configure step do I get the shared library.
> >
> > I wiull try building gcc today I have not progressed to that point just
> > yet.
>  If you are the only person to see a problem, it typically means one
> of two things:
> (a) you're on a bleeding-edge host system, nobody else has tried
> what you are doing.

Yes I am on Arch linux...The bloodest bledding edge distro ;)

That is why I am moving to LFS for all my computers...It's more sane.
I don't care for all the "split" packages etc.  I just want something that 

> (b) you're doing something unusual.  If you are runnning scripts,
> either something you do has caused unintended consequences for this
> package, or else there was an error that didn't get trapped.  In my
> case, setting my own CFLAGS and touching files (to get them to show
> up in the install log) are my main deviations, and both have bitten
> me from time to time :)

Just setting the CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS, which I now believe is indeed the 
problem.  THe funny thing is I set CFLAGS to what it builds with by default( 
without me seeting the flags) and use that in the CFLAGS to then build it.
It will not make/build the shared library until you do a autoreconf.  I don't 
know why that happens.

I am setting the FLAGS so I camn build once install everywhere.  I'll just 
need to look at things better when setting the flags.  Any way this old fart 
has learned something today.   If you are going to mess with the flags an 
autoreconf may be in order.

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