On 9/3/2012 12:24 PM, Israel Silberg wrote:
> Thaks all for the replies,
> Richard, what do you mean by puting it in a script to what is going on? How
> do I make the script write me the data I need?
> I know some bash scripting but clearly not enogh :-)
> And another question, if I want in the end tohave a LFS or BLFS system
> without gcc in it, shold I keep it in the toolchain or should I remove it
> when the system is done?
> How can I remove it? Should I keep its installation folder and not delete
> it in order to do make remove?
Why do you want to remove gcc at all? If you want to add ANY new 
programs at all, you'll need gcc in order to compile and install them 
properly. Even if you want to use other compilers, they still need to be 
compiled and installed with gcc prior to removing gcc at all.

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