Hi Aleksandar,

You wrote (excerpt):
I just went back to analyze the bug report and your fix that you
reported in the mail, and the only logical explanation is that your (or
any LFS') copy of db2html did something different than the developers
copy of db2html. If db2html is generated during the build procedure
(and it is apparently, since I seem to not have it my $PATH), then this
may be much more convoluted than just a simple version mismatch.
Bottom line: this is probably because you don't have something that the
developer has.

This is my (alex) reply:

Here is just a key excerpt of my original post:
In desperation, I created a little note for myself to use on any
subsequent compilation (BLFS style) of a new GTK+ 2 version on
2011-03-08 (i.e., more than two years ago) which reads (FWIW):

# After untarring the package (_before_ configure)
sed -i "s/db2html gtk-faq.sgml/db2html \
 gtk-faq.sgml -o gtk-faq/" docs/faq/Makefile.in ; echo $?
sed -i "s/db2html gtk-tut.sgml/db2html \
 gtk-tut.sgml -o gtk-tut/" docs/tutorial/Makefile.in ; echo $?

Now, it so happens the BLFS instructions for GTK+-2.24.17 state
(as [late as] 2013-05-09):

Install GTK+ 2 by running the following commands:
sed -i 's#l \(gtk-.*\).sgml#& -o \1#' docs/{faq,tutorial}/Makefile.in

(sounds eerily similar to my Oct. 2010 beef, don't it?)

UNLESS I'm wrong (I didn't have time and energy to thoroughly compare
my original "patch" to BLFS's latest - and long standing - "patch",
so I MAY easily be wrong),
it appears that both me (as early as 2011-03-08) and the BLFS _world_
have hit the same problem in compiling any GTK+ 2 version (up to this day),
i.e., the original core of my post (presented in a little convoluted way, I
still stands:

How come there is such a technical difference between so many people
(me and all the BLFS aficionados) and the "developer" (or anybody in
that organization, for that matter)?

Why is that difference so critical and so our fault that we've just
taken it lying down all these years?

Thanks for your comments,
-- Alex

BTW, a "patch" is mostly in the eye of the beholder;  some call many of
them, "sed".
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