On 10/18/2013 01:38 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Dan McGhee wrote:
>> Hopefully, I can be a little more secific about this now after reading
>> for while.
>> First, it appears that in the chroot environment and use of
>> $foo{*,.tar.[b,g,x,z][b,g,x,z][b,g,x,z]} in a command does not expand
>> the file name in the way I understand the use of "*" and [].
> Ex. <ls /sources/$foo*> returns the no such file error, and
> <ls /sources | grep $foo> returns nothing. ($foo=man-pages-3.5.3)
> Does $foo exist in the chroot environment?
> On my system it's man-pages-3.54 so
> # foo=man-pages-3.54
> # ls /sources/$foo*
> /sources/man-pages-3.54.tar.xz
> works fine.  Note that if you did specify '$foo=man-pages-3.5.3' then 1)
> the syntax is wrong, and 2) the man pages file name is formatted with an
> extra dot which will result in 'No such file or directory'.
>     -- Bruce
Yup, forests and trees again. Frustrating. The good news is that I 
learned a lot more about bash this AM. Including the "preferred" way to 
redirect standard output to standard input. &>word. Easier to remember 
than 2>&1.

Everything works fine now.

Thanks, Bruce
"red-faced" Dan

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