On 11/09/2013 10:49 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Dan McGhee wrote:
>> I know I'm top-posting and ask for forgiveness. Please consider this a
>> preface to my responses to what Bruce offered. And thanks, Bruce, for
>> your thoughts. I am frustrated by not being able to find documentation
>> about what the grub modules do--and now for many of the variables grub
>> uses. A simple "this does that" would suffice.
> Does this help?
> http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html
>     -- Bruce
Thanks, Bruce, but no. It's the same one I have. For example, Section 
3.4 might lead someone to believe that the discussion tells how to 
install GRUB in a UEFI environment since it talks about using GPT. I 
know it's under BIOS installation. I think it's a little misleading.

GRUB2, as I have learned in the last week-and-a-half, has much more 
capability than what is documented in that manual. As another example in 
the section about how grub names things, there's not discussion of 
designating devices as in (hd0,3) as (hd0,gpt3).

Once again, I'm not ranting or blaming. I know that developers develop 
and don't have the time or want to write. Additionally, the changes, 
which are starting to be limiting, in UEFI firmware and structure are 
happening rapidly.

Also, I'm not saying that the manual is not helpful. It just doesn't go 
far enough for me. An example of this is, as I was just perusing it to 
get ready to answer you, I found a couple of paragraphs about the 
embedded config file in the image and the need to search for a UUID to 
get to "root." That bears further examination for me a little later.

I appreciate your efforts on my behalf.


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