On 01/11/2014 03:33 PM, David Kredba wrote:
> I am suggesting you to umount /dev/sdb2 as Debian root and mount it
> still as Debian root
> without limiting options. You will need suid files (nosuid) and device
> nodes (nodev) later.
> You can create /mnt/lfs if you like an then
> /bin/mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/lfs.
> Then re-check by calling mount.
> Maybe you will need to write its fstab line with rw option only.
> Of course you can let it mount under /media and adjust LFS env. variable.
> 2014/1/11 William Darryl Jackson <wm.djack...@comcast.net>:
>> On 01/11/2014 02:51 PM, Chris Staub wrote:
>>> On 01/11/14 14:47, William Darryl Jackson wrote:
>>>> On 01/11/2014 02:33 PM, Chris Staub wrote:
>>>>> On 01/11/14 14:25, William Darryl Jackson wrote:
>>>>>> Yes,
>>>>> Your output says there is something mounted on /media/lfs, yet you keep
>>>>> saying you are assigning LFS=/mnt/lfs.
>>>> I was trying to follow the instructions precisely. I agree this seems to
>>>> be the cause of the problem. This is an external drive that auto mounts
>>>> to the (user) media folder, and (root) dev folder. The only reason it
>>>> says media/lfs is because I added a label in gparted. Debian is using
>>>> uuid identifiers - which is causing me problems. Would it help if I
>>>> replaced LFS=/mnt/lfs with something else? Also, I have 2 partitions on
>>>> that external drive. They both mount showing 500GB, when the drive is
>>>> only 500GB.
>>>> Thanks.
>>> Sorry, but if you really need to ask this, LFS is just too advanced for
>>> you. I suggest going here -
>>> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/7.4/prologue/prerequisites.html
>>> - for starters, and learning about how to actually use Linux, especially
>>> on the command line, before attempting something like LFS.
>> That was a bit harsh. I have been using command line for 3 years. That
>> is long enough for me to attempt to learn more about Linux, which is
>> what I thought LFS is all about. I have learned enough now to not bother
>> the list with silly questions.
>> Take care, for now <wink>.
>> William
>> --
>> http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-support
>> FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/faq.html
>> Unsubscribe: See the above information page
Thanks David,

But I am going to limit the number of exceptions I am making by resizing 
my internal hard drive to give myself a better chance at making it 
through this build. If I cannot build my own system, Linux is no use to 
me, might as well go back to Windoze.. After I get that working, maybe I 
will try building my external drive with the LFS system as the host. I 
am going to save this email for future reference.

Take care,

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