On 10/29/17 2:04 PM, Axel wrote:
Dear all,

now I reached chapter6.20.

My host is an Aspire one with 4.9.0-4-amd64 and not very fast. But I want to install LFS on this device finally.

I think about to use another device with  with  an amd64 processor as well (Asus) to compile LFS and to shift the final OS to the old Aspire.

Unfortunately I have no free space an the Asus and do not like to change anything on the LVM partitions.

Can I create a virtual partition (file) with dd and mount it instead of a "real" partition on the Asus?

Can I copy the actual status on the Aspire to the virtual partition of the Asus to build the next steps faster?

Hi Axel,

That shouldn't be a problem, but be sure to set the correct ARCH/CPU in your C(XX)FLAGS to avoid the compiler to use/implement Instructions Sets on the powerful computer, that isn't available on your target computer.

export CFLAGS="-march=<CPU of Target PC>"

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=LFS_Part.img bs=1M count=20480
$ mkfs.ext4 LFS_Part.img
$ sudo mount -o loop LFS_Part.img /mnt/lfs

Tar/Untar as discussed yesterday :)

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