> Paul,

Thanks, Ken.  It occurred to me perhaps some medication is making it worse.  
(In any event, don't get old!  It's a bitch watching one's capabilities slip 
away.)  I don't take much, but I had taken some benadryl once last weekend.  
Never noticed an effect like that before.

>  I think the key point of what you are doing is cross-compiling from
> i686 to i586, and most of us have no recent experience of that.

Perhaps not, but we all always build a "contaminated" Stage-1 in Ch5 and in 
Stage-2 have to adjust the toolchain per Ch6.  I can't believe that bit changes 

> Specifically, for us host and target are the same.

Yeah, but as you note, building (B)LFS on my i7 for whatever makes it bearable! 
 233MHz vs 2.93GHz x 8 cores?

> I remember you mentioning about compiling i686 on a newer i686 for
> an older one, perhaps something will jog your memory about what you
> have done in the past.

I scriptify it all, and am doing this using the same (B)LFS-6.6 code, but made 
for an i686 on my i7.  So the scripts are right there on my host.  I certainly 
try to fix any recordable glitches in the scripts along the way--part of my 
process is to make my systems rebuildable like this.  I'm not off by much.

I'm not certain I *am* off, just appears that way and I've learned to not 
overlook warnings.

> My first suggestion is "Try carrying on, see whether the resulting
> system builds for i586, and if necessary try installing it to see if

OK, but I'll stop if I get an i686 triplet for gcc in Ch6!  That can't be right.

> it boots".  I was almost going to suggest copying it over to the
> i586 and chrooting, but I can just about recall how slow those were.

;-]  It has a LFS-6.1 on it.  Why not bump it up a bit?  This *should have 
been* a piece of cake!

> Failing that, I vaguely remember there was a uname hack for this
> sort of thing. 

Ummm, no, I don't think so.  FBBG!  That should certainly not be necessary.

> but those are both "antique" and who knows if any of it is still
> relevant (apart, obviously, from setting -march).

I have -CTARGET set in all the configures already.

> ĸen

Thanks, again.  I suppose I'll wait a couple days for the meds to certainly 
have worn off.  Besides, we're crushing grapes tomorrow!  Matter of priorities. 

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)
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