Around 17 o'clock on 04 May, Wang WenRui wrote:
> Hi,
>   lftp cannot connect to a remote server, which works well with other
>   clients. I believe it is a bug in dealing with 221 code.
sorry, it seems to be inconformity of the server software with rfc 2389.
>   lftp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> debug
>   lftp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ls
>   ---- Connecting to ( port 21
>   <--- 220-           Welcome to USTC Email Server
>   <--- 220-            欢迎来到中国科大邮件服务器
>   <--- 220-
>   <--- 220- 安全设置: 1. 用户只能在自己的个人目录下操作
>   <--- 220-           2. 不可使用chmod命令. 默认上传的文件别人不可读写,
>   <--- 220-              上传个人主页文件请先quote site umask 022
>   <--- 220-
>   <--- 220 mail FTP server ready.
>   ---> FEAT
>   <--- 221-Extensions supported:
>   <---  REST STREAM
>   <---  SIZE
>   <---  MDTM
>   <---  TVFS
>   <---  HOST
>   <--- 221 End
>   **** remote end closed connection
>   ---- Closing control socket
>   Thanks.
> Best regards
> Wang

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