On Mon, Mar 28, 2005 at 04:13:38PM +0200, Tomasz Grobelny wrote:
> Modules seem to expand lftp's possibilities not the other way round. Or am I 
> wrong?

Yes, but you can implement any functionality in modules, other interface etc.
So if you implement your program as a module you could run it like this:

        lftp -c 'module your-module args...'

Then module_init function will be called with the arguments. It can register
new commands, protocols or whatever.

The other way (using lftp libraries) is possible too. But to parse config file
you'll have to create CmdExec and feed it with the config files.

Does your project have a GUI? If yes, then it would be necessary to make it
interoperable with lftp cooperative thread model. It is rather easy if the
GUI exports file descriptors and timeouts it waits on, and have a non-blocking
worker function.

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