On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 03:47:54PM -0500, Justin Piszcz wrote:
> When transferring data on high speed networks (10GbE) lftp hits 100% on a
> moderately fast Xeon CPU (E5645), the FTP server is not the bottleneck as it
> uses around 37% CPU (different CPU on the server host).  Are there any plans
> to spin off separate workers (if possible) so a single CPU-core is not a
> bottleneck at the client-side?

I don't think multithreading is going to be implemented in lftp. I avoided
it from the start as single-threading makes programming and debugging

But I think it is possible to squeeze more performance by optimization.
First provide me with profiling information (compile with -pg gcc option,
then run lftp, then run gprof, send me the output), then be ready to try
optimized versions to see if they make a difference.

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