On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 05:59:49AM -0700, Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
> Not really. Can you confirm (likely requires a little debugging) that
> either with or without that piece of code, the number of mp2/3 frames
> written into a Xing or MPEG file is correct?

Number of frames written is the same in both cases, since mp3 isn't
interleaved and no frames get written in av_write_trailer().
In any case, I don't see why the number of frames would be off by one.
If anything, wouldn't it be off by a huge amount when frame != packet?

Anyways, what we can do is:
1) abuse nb_frames field with a note that it will be wrong when packet
!= frame (slightly evil)
2) add a nb_packets field (somewhat bloaty)
3) have each muxer manage this by itself (evil)

Anton Khirnov

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