On Wed, 20 Apr 2011, Ronald S. Bultje wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Martin Storsjö <mar...@martin.st> wrote:
> > To add more to the explanation - currently, the info about which AVStream
> > belongs to which variant stream actually is available, it's stored in
> > AVStream->id, where the int value says which variant it is a part of - all
> > AVStreams with identical id belong together. But someone from XBMC asked
> > me yesterday to provide the variant's total bitrate, too, which is useful
> > for making better decisions on switching variants.
> At this point, do we know the bitrates of the individual streams? We
> could simply put that in AVStream->codec->bit_rate and let callers add
> it up...

Only if the chained mpegts demuxer sets it, and it appears it doesn't. 
Also, within the applehttp metadata, there is an explicit bitrate field 
saying what the nominal bitrate of that variant is, we should pass it 
through somewhere at least.

So, would a "variant_bitrate" metadata key be acceptable? Anton?

// Martin
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