On 02/05/2013 05:54 PM, Hendrik Leppkes wrote:
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Vladimir Pantelic<vlado...@gmail.com>  wrote:
see $subject, current behaviour forces the user to set the codec_tag to
"WVP2" which is otherwise unneeded since the rest of the codec queries
codec_id already.

Do all VC1IMAGE streams really set this? Are there possibly different
variants, and only one has this specific tag?
For example, i know that WMVP is also a FourCC around in the world,
however it is possible that its only used for WMV3IMAGE and not for
VC1IMAGE, some confirmation would be nice.

As far as I understand WMV3IMAGE == "WMVP" and VC1IMAGE == "WVP2".
Since in ASF/WMV the video format is stored as a fourCC "CompressionID"
and we map WVP2 to AV_CODEC_ID_VC1IMAGE when we demux ASF, I don't see
how we can end up with codec_tag = WVP2 but codec_id != VC1IMAGE.
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